Hello world. My name is Christina and I am starting this blog to document my current journey. I think that a person takes many journeys throughout life. I hope that I have successfully completed a few of my journeys. The one I am currently navigating is the journey from “crafter” to “”artist. It is difficult to even define the difference between art and craft, but I feel that I am not an artist yet. Hopefully I will know when I finally get there.
While growing up I participated in many creative projects with the help of my mother and older sister: cross-stitch (loved it), knitting (hated it), crocheting (mildly rewarding), sewing (frustrating) and a brief love affair with the Ronco BeDazzler. As an adult I had many happy years of scrapbooking and then spent a fair amount of time and money beading. None of these filled my desire to be truly creative so I have embarked on a focused effort to become an artist. My current medium of choice is paint and paper, but I am still exploring. I don’t know if I have found my place yet.
Future blog posts will contain my thoughts, my struggles, my successes, some photos, and hopefully guests posts from friends who love art. I know that I am not the only one on this journey because I have met people like me at art retreats, bead shows, and in everyday life. I try to gain insight from everyone I meet and now I have a place to share my insights with others. Or maybe this is just a place for me to organize my thoughts. Who knows what this blog will become?
I’ll be back soon.