Thursday, October 30, 2014

Drawing Fundamentals

I recently completed my first drawing class.  It was a 6 week course taught at a local art league headquarters by a very enthusiastic artist named Eileen.  She taught us contour drawing and shading and I completed my first ever still-life drawings.  My favorite activity was drawing on mid-tone paper using both dark and white pencils.
My first still-life

I like using the white pencil
From this course I learned that drawing is not difficult in the way that I thought it was.  Seeing things like an artist is the challenging part.  Looking at a still-life and translating the shadows and colors into shades of grey (values) is what I find difficult.

I have signed up for another session of the course and I will be learning to draw with charcoal.  I’m not sure if I will like getting my hands all messy (as a child I hated having messy hands) but I am determined to try another medium in my continuing search for the area of art at which I am naturally gifted.  Perhaps I will never uncover my natural gift, assuming it exists of course, so I will enjoy the search and the little discoveries that come from it.

- christina


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Of course I spelled something wrong and had to remove my first comment!

  2. Always challenging yourself…very impressed with the shading and attention to detail in your drawing with the white pencil. You are becoming quite the artist.

  3. I was very impressed with your drawing. Picaso said "“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”
